January 2018

Dear Pastors, Friends, & Family

Good news! We have been approved for our visas! They are currently in the mail. As soon as they arrive, we will be able to book our plane tickets for the following week. Thank you to all who have been praying!
During this past month we have been mostly in Albany, GA at our home church. I had the privilege of working at our camp, Venture of Faith Camp, for a teen winter retreat and a singles retreat. They even had me help in a few skits. It snowed here for the first time in years. The boys have been wanting to see some snow. Even though it wasn’t a lot, they had a great time. It’s actually the most snow I’ve ever seen here. Also, we have been enjoying missions month at our home church! We have had a missionary in every Sunday, and will have three more coming this Sunday. It has been great to spend some time at our church, but we are looking forward getting to Spain.
Christy and I have both been sick over the past few weeks, and now Nick has the flu. Please pray that every one will feel better before we move to Spain. Also, pray that the move will go smoothly, and that once we get there, we will be able to find everything we need and get acclimated quickly.

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Markie Bullock